TikTok Pixel
Improve your ads performance with the TikTok Pixel integration. The TikTok Pixel optimizes your TikTok Ads with event and conversion tracking.
Add this destination
Log into your Engage account
Go to Data Platform > Integrations and select the
TikTok Pixel
Set your
TikTok Pixel ID
and select the events to be included
Mapped events
The following events are mapped out-of-the-box for you when you activate the TikTok Pixel integration. These cover all the standard functionality of the Pixel.
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Products Searched
Note that page views are automatically tracked by the TikTok Pixel.
Active sources
This destination requires one of the following sources to be active
TikTok Pixel ID
Log into TikTok and create a new pixel. Select Developer mode.
Click through all steps until you get the to the code snippet, then find the Pixel ID here.
Last updated