Server-side Tracker

Server-side Tracking API


This endpoint allows you to send tracking events from your servers to engage. Both historical events dating back the last 2 years, and new events can be sent through this endpoint. Note. The user_id is used to measure your tracked events against your monthly tracked visitor quota. Hence, adding a lot of events to the current or coming months may result in high charges. The datetime parameter can be used to ensure events end up in the month intended.

Query Parameters


Event successfully added

Example call

curl --location --request POST '' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [ADD YOUR USER TOKEN HERE]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--data-raw '{ 
    "user_id": "da123fg876sfed", 
    "event_name": "Added To Cart", 
          product_id: '',
          product_type: '',
          name: '',
          price: ,
          currency: '',
          quantity: 1,
          url: '',
          image_url: ''
    "datetime": "2020-01-01 20:20:01+01:00"
    "session_id": "123a"

Dates & Time


Accepted timestamp formats

Generic format supported


Last updated